
If you want to use our fonts legally, you need one of the following licences:

Desktop Licence

You can use fonts on a personal computer (to create Posters, Logos, Books etc.) and export  to Printable PDF.
Anyone who use the font needs a licence.
↓Read full licence

Webfont Licence

Using of our fonts as (copy-paste) texts.
The owner of the domain needs a licence.
↓Read full licence

App Licence

Web or mobile apps, Games, Embedding fonts in the software, etc.

TV (Broadcast) Licence

Broadcasting, Series, TV ads, Movies.

Ebook Licence

Using of fonts in Ebooks.

Desktop Licence

1. Use of fonts on a personal computer and export to PDF
2. Buy licence for number of users (base price is for 1 user)
3. Protect the fonts from copying or stealing by a third person
4. Converting or modification is not permitted
5. When using the fonts, give credit to the author:
Typeset in Dezen by Ján Filípek,
Preto typeface by DizajnDesign

Webfont Licence

Webfont = 1 × Desktop price
1. You can use webfonts for unlimited number of domains that you own
2. Use fonts with @Font-Face technology only
3. Protect the fonts with subsetting
4. Include the copyright information in the provided CSS file
5. Converting or embedding webfonts with other technology is not permitted
6. You don't need this licence, if you want to use fonts as images (.jpg, .gif etc.)

App Licence

1 App licence = 5 × Desktop price
More Apps = multi-app discount
Users need to be unable to edit or print the font.
*Contact us by email for this licensing option

TV Licence (Broadcasting, TV, Movie, Television Advertisement)

1 TV licence (per Title, Show etc.) = 10 × Desktop price
Along with a TV Licence you’ll need to own a Desktop licence for the fonts you want to use. 
*Contact us by email for this licensing option

Ebook Licence

An Ebook licence gives you the right to use particular font in one (1) Ebook Title. For using that font in more Ebook Titles, you can use multi-user discount for calculating the price.
Single Ebook Title = 1 × Desktop price
More Ebook Titles = multi-title discount
*Contact us by email for this licensing option